Smart Start Back2School Promotion Awareness Continues

Our Promotions team in Port Moresby hit the ground running this week, carrying out awareness on Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits whilst introducing the Smart Start Back2School Promotion at Bavaroko Primary School. The students were excited to have the team from Paradise Foods explain the benefits of PNG’s first breakfast biscuit and learn how they could…

Smart Start Back2School Promotion Activated along Magi Highway

Our Promotions team in Port Moresby travelled up the Magi Highway today (17/03/22) to continue introducing Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits within our communities whilst carrying out awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. Today’s visit saw our Promotions team visit the Tubusereia Primary School and Barakau Primary School. The students of Tubusereia Primary School were…

Smart Start Back2School Promotion Activation

As the Smart Start Back2School Promotion embarks into its 3rd Week, our Promotions team in Port Moresby continue carrying out awareness and activating the promotion throughout schools in NCD. Our Promotions team visited the Koki Primary School and the Kila Kila Secondary School today (16/03/22) to inform students on the benefits of Smart Start Breakfast…

Paradise Foods Dedication Service

Staff of Paradise Foods Limited gathered for the PFL Dedication Service at our Port Moresby Site. Led by Paradise Company Chaplain, Pastor Israel Arua, the staff enjoyed a time of sharing, encouragement, and prayer together in dedicating the company as we begin a new year. The POM PFL dedication service follows the POM Laga Depo…

Smart Start Back2School Promotion Awareness

Our Promotions team carried out school awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion today (14/03/22). Eki Vaki Primary School was the first stop this morning, which saw our team introduce Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits and enlighten the students on the nutritional benefits associated with the biscuits.   The Smart Start Back2School Promotion was also presented…