As Bronze Sponsor of the Lae Festival and Rosso Cup 2022, Paradise Foods through it’s Brand Smart Start were happy to sponsor the 7–9-year-old Bike Races during Day 1 of the Rosso Mountain Bike Race held at the Morobe Show Grounds, Lae on Saturday 25th June 2022. Over 70 children between the ages of 7-9…
Paradise Company has pledged its support towards the Lae Festival & Rosso Cup 2022. With Paradise Foods and Laga Industries as Bronze Sponsors of the event, Paradise Company through its 300ml and 500ml Tru Tru Wara water will provide over 2000 bottles which will be given to participants of the Rosso Mountain Bike Race held…
Karea Primary School in Malalaua, Gulf Province were recipients of K5000 worth of School Office Supplies after taking part in the 2022 Smart Start Back2School Promotion. Grade 8 student of Karea Primary School, Victor Milala was the Gulf Regions Major Individual Prize Winner of the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. As the Major Winner, Victor received…
Staff of Paradise Company recently commenced Supervisory and Leadership training through Training Solutions Provider. The training covers seven (7) units and will run over three (3) months, including practical workplace assessments. Through this program, staff become more efficient and proficient with information on delegating, managing time, setting goals, implementing disciplinary procedures, providing feedback, resolving…
Over the weekend our Paradise Foods Promotions team in Lae joined the Smart Start Niukick AFL Papua New Guinea team at Eriku Oval in officiating games run throughout the morning. Promotions Coordinator Nanadai Loi and the promotions team also donated assorted Paradise Foods products to assist the Smart Start Niukick team in carrying out their…