Roland Daure matched the world standard
At Paradise Foods Limited we always pride ourselves for being the top manufacturing food company here in Papua New Guinea. This has proven overtime that it cannot be without the commitment of our hardworking and dedicated team of professionals.
One of them is our Graphic Designer, Roland Daure. Roland has been with us for nearly 13 years now. He has been actively involved in the development of most of our packaging artwork during his tenure.
One of his latest work is the new look 85Gram emNAU biscuit pack design. In fact he has created about 24 different versions that the team researched and refined until we had optimised the design that is currently being use on new emNAU 85 gram biscuit packet.
He completed every phase as tasked, and even did last minute changes during the last round of research to tweak the layout of the design.
We laboured to have real life biscuit photography on pack, and create a branding hierarchy that is clearly identifiable to all our consumers and relevant in the market.
He translated the same design concept to all point–of –sale materials, vehicle branding, bill boards, newspaper advertising and outlet signage to give consistency in the brand outlook.
This was our game changer for the year and proud of Roland’s effort to conceptualise the design in house.
He delivered a result equal if not superior to any Design House in Auckland, Sydney or Singapore.
We are so fortunate to have someone like Roland on our team.