Qunequnder Lakaloi-Hayu, affectionately known as “Qune” to her colleagues, currently serves as the Human Resource Manager at Paradise Foods. Qune has not only carved a niche for herself but has also become an inspirational figure for those aspiring to excel in the field of human resources.

Qune’s journey in the corporate landscape began with Arnotts, a renowned company where she embarked on her career. Her academic foundation, a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts in Industrial Psychology, provided her with the tools to understand the intricate dynamics of human behavior within organizational settings. However, it was her keen interest of iconic products like Scotch Finger and Highway Beef Biscuit, produced by Arnotts during her high school days at Bugandi High School, that drew her towards the company.

At that time, the late David Peate, then CEO at Arnotts, played a pivotal role in shaping Qune’s career trajectory. Notably, Peate was a mentor who actively promoted opportunities for women within the organization. His guidance left an indelible mark on Qune, motivating her to start as a Junior Personal Officer and progressively climb the professional ladder.

Qune’s transition to Paradise Foods Limited was a significant turning point in her career. Joining the company, she found herself in an environment that aligned with her values and aspirations. Paradise Foods’ reputation as a family-oriented organization resonated with Qune, providing a supportive framework for her to seamlessly integrate into the corporate fabric.

Throughout her professional journey, Qune attributes her success to the mentorship she received. Late March Baiwan, her former boss Jane Owens, along with colleagues Karina Makori and Jane Wickham, played pivotal roles in shaping her perspectives and refining her skills. Their influence not only bolstered her career growth but also instilled in her the importance of mentorship and support networks.

Becoming the Human Resource Manager at Paradise Foods stands as a crowning achievement in Qune’s career. In this role, she shoulders the responsibility of overseeing the human capital, ensuring that the workforce is not only efficient but also engaged and motivated. Qune’s leadership philosophy centers on maintaining integrity, leading by example, and staying compliant with processes and policies.

For Qune, being a leader is not without its challenges. However, she emphasizes the significance of focus and the necessity of having the right support systems in place. Her commitment to these principles has not only solidified her standing within Paradise Foods but has also set a standard for leadership excellence.

As we reflect on Qunequnder Lakaloi-Hayu’s journey, it becomes evident that her success is not just a personal triumph but a testament to the collective efforts of mentors, colleagues, and an organization that values its employees. Qune’s story serves as an inspiration, urging aspiring professionals to pursue their goals with diligence, integrity, and a spirit of collaboration.

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