Pink Ribbon Cheque Presentation to PNG Cancer Foundation
Mr. James Rice, Group CEO of Paradise Company, parent company of Laga Industries and Paradise Foods presents the cheques to Ms. Priscillar Napoleon, Executive Manager of Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation.
Laga Industries concluded the Pink Ribbon Label on Tropical Oasis water with proceeds from sales going to the Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation (PNGCF), assisting them in their fight against cancers that effect women, in PNG. The PNGCF use funds raised through this partnership to conduct cancer education & awareness programs that focus on cervical, breast and mouth cancer in various locations throughout the country in 2019. To boost the funding for PNGCF, Paradise Foods matched Laga Industries donation as recognition for the fantastic work undertaken in educating against women’s cancer.
Mr. Rice stated “According to World Health Organisation, 1 in three cancer cases would have been avoided by simply choosing a healthy lifestyle. This is why education of cancer prevention and early detection is so vital in PNG. We all need to take stock of our lifestyle and make better & healthier choices for our future, our children’s future and for the future of PNG.”
Executive Manager of Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation, Ms Napoleon said, “Education is key to empower women in PNG with the knowledge on the importance of prevention & early detection to reduce their risk of developing cancer. Statistics tell us that an increasing number of women in PNG die from cancer every year. We know from our awareness activities conducted in schools and communities that many of these deaths are preventable and are usually linked to the lack of knowledge on the importance of early detection and prevention among the Papua New Guinean womenfolk.
We are grateful to both Paradise Foods & Laga Industries for their support which will assist the Foundation to continue cancer education across the country. Thank you for joining the fight against cancer.”
Paradise Company Ltd., is the holding company of Paradise Foods Ltd., and Laga Industries Ltd., and is owned by Nambawan Super Limited and Comrade Trustees Limited. Paradise Company Limited is proud to be 100% PNG owned.
Paradise Foods Limited has been operating in Papua New Guinea for over 80 years with manufacturing sites in Port Moresby and Lae. Paradise is a business that prides itself in perfecting taste in our Biscuits, Snacks, and Beverages and Chocolate that everyone loves anywhere anytime.
Laga Industries Ltd., owns and manufactures ice cream, beverages, cooking oils and baking products with a manufacturing & processing facility in Lae along with a distribution centre in Port Moresby. Laga is renowned for quality products and their range of trusted food brands such as Gala and Highland Meadows for over 40 years.