The winners of the 2022 Smart Start School Promotion, Huonville Primary School, have joined the race again this year to win one of four school grants valued at K40,000 each. The Paradise Foods Promotions team in Lae visited the school today (01.03.23) to conduct an awareness campaign for the promotion, and both students and teachers are excited to be participating.
Ms Salome Sangi, the Deputy Head Teacher of Huonville Primary, expressed the school’s happiness to participate in the promotion again this year. She also mentioned that last year’s major prize win, which included school office supplies won by a Grade 4 student, was utilized very well and distributed evenly to all teachers and students. Ms Sangi added that all students and teachers are eager to win the promotion again this year and have already planned out how they will win the top prize.
In addition to their excitement for the Smart Start School Promotion, the school is also facing a challenge with an influx of students due to free education. Ms Sangi mentioned that with the K40,000 grant, which they plan to win, the school plans to build more classrooms to accommodate all the students. This additional support will allow the school to continue providing quality education to all of their students, and the promotion provides an excellent opportunity to make that happen.

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