Our Promotions team were welcomed by Grade 10 students of Badihagwa Technical Secondary School this morning as the team introduced Smart Start Breakfast biscuits and explained the mechanics of the current Smart Start Back2School promotion.

Speaking to over 1,000 Grade 10 students in the Maru Bala Hall, our Promotions team were able explain the essential Vitamins enriched within the biscuits and their associated benefits for the body and brain.

The students of Badihagwa were excited to learn how they could win individual and the major school prize through the Smart Start Back2School Promotion.

Don’t forget that all schools are eligible to participate in the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. Contact us for more information on how to win with Smart Start.

Make sure you purchase Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits, put 5 empty Smart Start Biscuit packets into an envelope, write your name and contact details on the back of the envelope and drop it in your nearest entry bin.

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