Picture (L-R): Roger Harwood, Paradise Foods Ltd Group Marketing Manager and Priscillar Napoleon Executive Manager of the PNG Cancer Foundation.

Paradise Foods Supports Women’s Cancer Awareness in PNG

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation (PNGCF) is pleased to announce the new campaign collaboration with Paradise Foods Limited (PFL). PFL will be joining PNGCF in 2020 to support Womens Health Awareness in the month of October through their bottled water brand Tru Tru Wara.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 3 cancer cases can be prevented by simply choosing to live a healthy lifestyle.

Since establishment in 2014, PNGCF has conducted cancer prevention outreach programs in various locations across Papua New Guinea through the support of essential partnerships such as PFL. Through these outreach activities, PNGCF conducts workshops on the message of cancer prevention by making healthy lifestyle choices.

In 2019 alone, the Pinktober month saw over 3,500 participants at our workshops held in Port Moresby, Mt. Hagen in the Western Highland Province and Tabubil, Bige and Kuinga in Western Province. The Cervical Cancer Education Program and the Healthy Teens School Program where also conducted in two schools under the Pinktober campaign last year.

Mr James Rice, Group Chief Executive Officer of Paradise Foods Company Limited, spoke on the two fold sponsorship, “The first part of the sponsorship is creating awareness of Womens Health through the Tru Tru Wara brand carrying  the Pink Ribbon – Drinking water is healthy so this is the perfect brand to champion this message”.

“The second part of this sponsorship is Community Awareness with the PNGCF setting up alongside the PFL Stall at the 2020 Morobe Show” Said Rice.

Showing appreciation to PFL for their support, Executive Manager of the PNGCF Ms Priscillar Napoleon said, “PNG Cancer Foundation is grateful for the generous support from PFL and Tru Tru Wara this year during the month of October and we look forward to extending the reach of our cancer prevention education and awareness activities in Lae”.

Through this sponsorship, PNGCF also plans to conduct on-site workshops for staff of Paradise Foods Company in Port Moresby and Lae as well as conduct Cervical Cancer Education School Programs. The workshops will share the important message of early detection and making healthy lifestyle choices like: Eating Healthy & Exercising Regularly   to reduce the risk of developing cancer in the future.

Napoleon added, “We are also thrilled to be participating in the 2020 Morobe Show with Paradise Foods Limited.”

Laga Industries, the sister company to Paradise Foods Limited, had supported PNGCF with a similar arrangement through their ‘Tropical Oasis’ bottle water brand in 2018 and donated K40,000 to the Womens Cancer Awareness Campaign. This year, Paradise Foods Limited and Tru Tru Wara will be supporting the PNGCF with a sponsorship in kind to the value of K80,000.

Protect your future from cancer: Eat Healthy & Exercise Regularly.

End of Joint Press Release………………………….//

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