As Bronze Sponsor of the Lae Festival and Rosso Cup 2022, Paradise Foods through it’s Brand Smart Start were happy to sponsor the 7–9-year-old Bike Races during Day 1 of the Rosso Mountain Bike Race held at the Morobe Show Grounds, Lae on Saturday 25th June 2022.

Over 70 children between the ages of 7-9 years of age were excited to get Smart Start t-shirts to wear during their individual heats in the morning.

At the completion of their heat each child was given a bottle of Tru Tru Wara and a Gala Ice Cream stick to enjoy and cool down.

Come say hi to our friendly Paradise Foods team who will be at the Morobe Show Grounds for Day 2 and the finals of the Rosso Mountain Bike Race on Sunday 26th June 2022.

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