In response to growing inquiries and feedback from consumers, Paradise Foods Limited confirms the
discontinuation of its beloved Paradise Nambawan Biscuit, which has been apart of its offering since
the company’s days as Paradise Bakery. The generational favourite had its last production run in
May of 2024, with the last Paradise Nambawan Biscuits running out its final trade thereafter. This
decision comes as part of a strategic evaluation to ensure that Paradise Foods continues to deliver
products that meet the demands of a changing market.
“We understand how much Nambawan Biscuit has meant to our consumers, and it’s with a heavy
heart that we share this news,” said Paradise Foods CEO, Michael Penrose. “We’ve heard from many
loyal consumers who have shared their memories of this iconic biscuit, and we truly appreciate the
generations of love and support that have kept it in PNG households.”
Nambawan Biscuit has been off store shelves for several months now, and the decision to
discontinue the product was made after careful market observations. In depth market research
highlights an increasing shift in consumer preference from dry crackers to flavoured crackers.
Additionally, the current economic climate influences a consumer trend highlighting a strong
preference for the K1 price point, a key insight behind Paradise Foods Limited latest product offering
Teisti Bisket Chicken and Teisti Bisket Beef. With these mentioned market conditions, Nambawan
Biscuit unfortunately was not making sales. Despite its sentimental value, there wasn’t enough loyal
consumers shifting their consumer attitudes to behaviour in purchasing their beloved brand;
demand no longer supported production.
Paradise Foods Limited acknowledges the outpour of emotional feedback from loyal consumers,
over the discontinuation of the biscuit. The sentimental value of Nambawan Biscuit is evident in the
many stories of families, especially parents, who are sad to see a product that has been a part of
their livelihoods for many generations. It’s incredibly moving to hear how Nambawan Biscuit has
been part of so many special moments over the years. Paradise Foods Limited empathizes deeply
with its consumers and appreciate the support over the years; Nambawan Biscuit will always be a
part of the Paradise Foods story.
Paradise Foods Limited would also like to advice the discontinuation of the following: Paradise Beef
Cracker; Hi-way Chicken; Cuptea Biscuit; and Arrow Beef – other examples of how even the most
beloved products reach the end of their lifecycle, due to changing market demands.
As a 100% PNG-owned manufacturing company, Paradise Foods Limited remains committed to
serving the people of Papua New Guinea. The company’s reliance on local support is integral to its
success, and the feedback from consumers plays a key role in shaping the future of its product