Peter Tona is a man who has risen through the ranks at Paradise Foods Limited, proving that hard work and dedication can take you far. Peter joined the company in March 2019 as the Ice Cream Shift Manager, part of a succession plan to eventually become the Production Manager. In just a few short months, he proved himself capable and took on the role of Ice Cream Production Manager in June 2019.

Despite the challenges that come with being in a leadership role, Peter took on even more responsibilities when he was asked to oversee the Ice Cream, Specialties, and Beverage departments in 2021. And in September 2022, he was promoted to the Plant Manager role – the first national to hold this position at Paradise Foods Limited.

For Peter, his success is a testament to the values of the company. “I consider myself blessed and privileged to be employed by this company,” he says. “Paradise Foods Limited recognizes and thrives to build the human resource within the company. I can always be proud that I work for a company that remains true to its core values.”

Despite his many accomplishments, Peter remains committed to teamwork and the idea that every person in the team has a certain level of value to add to the table. He is dedicated to maintaining high standards and overcoming challenges in order to achieve his goals.

Peter Tona is a true success story, and an inspiration to anyone who believes in the power of hard work, dedication, and teamwork.

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