Karea Primary School in Malalaua, Gulf Province were recipients of K5000 worth of School Office Supplies after taking part in the 2022 Smart Start Back2School Promotion.
Grade 8 student of Karea Primary School, Victor Milala was the Gulf Regions Major Individual Prize Winner of the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. As the Major Winner, Victor received K500 worth of Stationary along with a Smart Start Backpack and carton of Smart Start Breakfast Biscuit.
Victor’s entry nominated his school, Karea Primary School, to receive the K5000 worth of school office supplies. Upon receiving the schools prize, Head Teacher for Karea Primary School, Mrs Lobo thanked Paradise Foods for running promotions that schools and students can benefit from.
Mrs Lobo added that 2022 is the third year that Karea Primary School has won the Back2School Promotion that Paradise Foods has run, and that the School Office supplies this year would greatly assist the teachers and students of her school.