Picture (L-R): Ben George, Brand Manager, Mr Jack, Senior Teacher and Kila Ali, Regional Sales Manager for Southern doing the cheque presentation.

Karea Primary School is the winner for the Gulf Province Promo with emNau Biscuit

The Draw for the Gulf Province Win Your School A Share of K110, 000 Promotion was drawn on the 12th of May 2020 at the Paradise Foods Limited head office in Port Moresby. The winner was drawn by Brand Manager, Ben George and witnessed by Chief Sergeant, Ben Isakuma from the Gordons Police Station including the staff members.

The winning entrant for the promotion was Danny Kiapu of the Grade 4 Class for Karea Primary School. Out of the 689 entries from the Gulf Province, theirs came out on top.

There was a delay with receiving their prize due to the COVID-19 restrictions but nonetheless they eventually did.

The Paradise Foods Limited Team travelled up and presented the K5,000 worth of stationary plus an additional 10 cartons of emNAU biscuits on Wednesday June, 24 2020. As part of the competition Danny Kaipu was rewarded a cash prize of K500.

“Our school was devastated by the recent flood, loosing almost all of our school stationaries and supplies and it is a huge blessing to be the winners for this promotion”, Mrs Milala, Senior Teacher, Karea Primary School.

She further added; “this K5,000 worth of stationaries will go a long way to assist us.”

“On behalf of the Paradise Foods Limited Company, I would like to thank everyone in the Gulf Province for participating and making this a success.” Ben George, Brand Manager.

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