From the end of October to mid-December, Paradise Foods ran the first of its kind cross category and brand ‘Christmas in Paradise’ promotion nationwide. The promotion ended on Monday 12th December with more than 34k entries from across the nation.

The mechanics were simple: Purchase K5 worth of any emNau, Smart Start, Gala Ice Cream, Gold Nuggets or Tropical Oasis product, write your name and number on the back of the receipt and drop it in any entry bin provided at any participating outlet.

The region that pulled in the greatest number of entries was the New Guinea Islands region, so ‘hats off’ to Team NGI for a great performance.

All entries came to Port Moresby for the main draw which was held on Wednesday, 21st December 2022 at Paradise Foods office. The draw was conducted in the presence of police personnel for transparency, with 97 lucky winners walking away with any of the following prizes: 20x K5,000, 15x Roasted Pigs, 50x K1,000 cash and 12x Return Domestic Ticket for 2.

Throughout the promotion, the sales and marketing teams were out and about spreading awareness on the promotion and pushing sales. The promotion had a lot of interest with our consumers saying they liked how easy it was to participate, and the attractive prizes we had on offer.

Thank you also to everyone that encouraged friends and family to participate.

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