Smart Start Back2School Promotion Activated in Central Province

Our Promotions Team in Port Moresby travelled out of the city to carry out awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion at the Allan Jones Memorial Primary School located in Hula Village, Rigo District, Central Province. Students of Allan Jones Memorial were excited to have the team from Paradise Foods visit their school and learn…

Paradise Foods Visits Schools along Nadzab Highway

Our Promotions team in Lae continue to carry out awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion throughout schools in Lae. Today (24/03/22) the team travelled the Nadzab Highway and visited Muya Primary School and Tanam Seventh Day Adventist Primary School. Our first stop was at the Tanam Seventh Day Adventist Primary School. During the visit…

Smart Start Back2School Promotion Activated in Mt Hagen

Our Paradise Foods Sales team in Mt Hagen visited the Baisu Primary School in Mt Hagen to conduct awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion and educate the students on the benefits of the Smart Start Breakfast Biscuit. Students were excited to learn how they could win Individual Back2School Packs and the also win school…

Smart Start Back2School Promotion Activated in Morobe Province

Today (22/03/22) our Promotions team in Lae visited the Butibam Primary School and the Amba Demonstration Primary School in Morobe Province. The team conducted awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion and educated the students on the nutritional benefits of the Smart Start Breakfast Biscuit. Students were excited to learn that they could win an…

Paradise Foods Visits Badihagwa Technical Secondary School

Our Promotions team were welcomed by Grade 10 students of Badihagwa Technical Secondary School this morning as the team introduced Smart Start Breakfast biscuits and explained the mechanics of the current Smart Start Back2School promotion. Speaking to over 1,000 Grade 10 students in the Maru Bala Hall, our Promotions team were able explain the essential…