Our Promotions team in Port Moresby travelled up the Magi Highway today (17/03/22) to continue introducing Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits within our communities whilst carrying out awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion.

Today’s visit saw our Promotions team visit the Tubusereia Primary School and Barakau Primary School.

The students of Tubusereia Primary School were excited to see Paradise Foods visit their school and learn that Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits are fortified with essential Vitamins for body and brain health.

Having previously taken part in the emNAU Back2Skul promotion in previous years, the students and staff of Tubusereia Primary School were confident that they would be winners this year.

Barakau Primary School was the second school visited to carry out awareness on the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. The students and staff were excited to welcome Paradise Foods back to their school after initially carrying out awareness on the new breakfast biscuit in 2021.

Head Teacher for Barakau Primary School, Mr Robin Robinson thanked Paradise Foods for using the school as a point of entry for the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. He encouraged his students to purchase Smart Start Biscuits and take part in the promotion as the major prize would be very beneficial for the school.

The Smart Start Back2School Promotion is a nationwide competition that ends on Friday 8th April 2022. Make sure you purchase Smart Start Breakfast Biscuits, put 5 empty Smart Start Biscuit packets into an envelope, write your name and contact details on the back of the envelope and drop it in your nearest entry bin.

Don’t forget that all schools are eligible to participate in the Smart Start Back2School Promotion. Contact us for more information on how to win with Smart Start.

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