Paradise Foods celebrated Independence in Style

It’s finally here and we’re celebrating. Papua New Guinean families have been busy the last week or so getting ready for this special day. PNG became self-governing on December 1, 1973 and achieved independence on September 16, 1975.

Paradise Foods Limited celebrated the country’s 45th year of Independence on the 15th of September, 2020. We had the flag raising ceremony in the morning and served free lunch during lunchtime. To add on to that, we has a booth setup to capture traditional best dress attire. Eight (8) best dress winners were selected, announced and each were given a prize for the effort. It was also an honour for our company to be invited as a guest to commemorate the day at the Parliament House on the 16th. Our Group CEO, James Rice went on our behalf to attend the event and he also managed to get a selfie with Prime Minister Marape.

There’s no better way to celebrate the day than to pause during our cerebrations and reflect on how great it is to be Papua New Guineans. Happy 45th Independence Papua New Guinea.

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